We have been continuing to work really hard in math on our addition and subtraction problems to 100. After the break we will be diving into re=grouping and and it will bring a whole new set of challenges for us! They seem to have adding and subtracting without re-grouping down to a science now! Here is a little creativity we did with addition without re-grouping!
Turkey Dinner on Thursday:
One of my FAVOURITE traditions here at Art Smith is the annual Turkey Dinner put on by our PAA and funded through some of our fundraisers! Every student in our building, free of charge, will be able to have an amazing turkey dinner (catered by Hamel's) that will include, turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies, stuffing and gravy! Yum! This will all take place on Thursday. Please make sure that you bring a juice box and any other snacks you may want!
Polar Express Party:
All this week we will be diving further into our book "The Polar Express"! Friday will be one fun filled, jam packed, pyjama party kind of day! Throughout the morning all of our K-4 students will be split up into groups and will travel through stations! Mrs. Lucas and I will be running an ornament decorating station! I will be sending out a snack sign up sheet for Friday's Polar Express Party tomorrow! At lunch time we will snack on some delicious treats and then we will be turning our classroom into a movie theatre and will be watching "The Polar Express"! What's better than a full tummy, pyjamas and a movie!
** No Spelling Test this Week :)