Hundreds Day!
We are quickly approaching our 100 days of school celebration! We are less than 15 days away and the kids are getting more and more excited to put up our bumble bees onto our 100's day hive!I will let you know more about our celebration when we get closer to the big day; but, I wanted to give you some advance notice about a project that I would like the kids to do at home! Every year I have my students represent 100 hundred in a way that is fun for them! Some students bring in a collection of 100 items, some draw a picture with a hundred things, some do a collage, math problems, really anything goes! I like for the kids to do this at home so that they can bring it to school on Hundreds Day and share their project with their classmates! Parents are more thane welcome to help out their kiddo's, it's meant to be fun so no pressure!
Language Arts:
We are finishing up our work with nouns early this week and we will be moving into verbs! Our kids have really got a handle on identifying nouns and using them in their writing and I'm sure they will transition nicely into verbs!
We have been working REALLY hard on addition with re-grouping and thank you to all of the parents that have been doing a little extra practice at home, they kids are always very excited to tell me that they were doing some problems at home too! If all goes smoothly we will be finishing up with addition this week and moving into subtraction. Subtraction is always a little more difficult for students so we will probably be spending a longer time on this next strategy!
Ski Forms:
Ski forms have gone home! Our class will be skiing on February 28th, this is always an AMAZING day. I can't wait to be on the hill with all of our kids! Please make sure to send in your forms and let me know if your child isn't planning on skiing as well so that I can let the office know.
** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!