Sunday 16 March 2014

A Lucky Week Ahead!

Report Cards:
Report cards will be sent home at the end of the day tomorrow so keep keep your eyes peeled! We've worked very hard  this past term and I'm very proud of all the progress our grade 2 kiddo's have made!

If you have any questions or concerns interviews will be held on Wednesday so just give Mrs. Hewitt a call in the office and she can schedule you an appointment! I look forward to discussing your child's progress this term!

Lucky Projects:
I can't wait to see everyone's lucky project tomorrow and to see what creative ways you've come up with to decorate your clover! It's always special and exciting when the kids get to share information with their peers but getting to share what makes their families so special is always something the kids look forward to!

Create Your Own Sport:

We had a little bit of Olympic fever going on in our classroom and so we decided to invent our own Winter Olympic sport! These little goodies are hanging up outside our classroom so feel free to stop on by and take a look!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!