Sunday 23 March 2014

Busy Week Ahead!

Ski Day:
It's finally arrived, this Thursday is FINALLY our day to go to the ski hill! Make sure you arrive to school on time and are dressed to hit the slopes! Our weather has been so unpredictable this year so it's best to have too many layers rather than not enough! It should be a fantastic day.

St. Patrick's Day & Interviews:
 Our kids were dressed to the nines on Monday for St. Patrick's day, we really got into the spirit at school with some St. Patrick's day math games and a leprechaun craft! We also had the opportunity to share all of the AMAZING lucky projects our grade 2 kiddos put together. They were all very proud of their assignments and they are currently hanging inside our classroom.

Thank you to all of the parents that made it out to parent teacher interviews, this is a great time of year to showcase the growth that all of our grade 2 kids have shown over the past 7 months!

Governor General of Canada:
On Friday the Governor General of Canada, David Johnston, will be at our school! He will be touring the building and speaking with our students in the gym! This is an amazing opportunity for our school to shine!

Pen Pals:
Our Social Studies curriculum takes a look at communities across Canada so after talking to a fellow teacher in Kanata, Ontario we decided that we should team up our grade 2 classes and become pen pals! Keep your eyes peeled because I will be sending home a permission letter for your child to take part in this activity. There will be 2 options for you to sign, the first is simply for them to send and receive letters via the school and their pen pal. The second is to allow your child to do the above and to be in pictures that we would send to our pen pal class. Please only sign one or the other and make sure to include your child's name. I think this is an amazing opportunity for our kids to communicate with other students across Canada, work on their writing skills and hit a ton of Social Studies outcomes all in one super fun activity!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!