Sunday 2 March 2014

Hello March!

Ski Day:
Well it was a sad day on Friday when the weather reached a balmy -45 with the windchill! The kids were a little sad that our Ski Day had to be re-scheduled but we had a pretty jam packed and fun day regardless! As soon as I know when the date has been re-scheduled we will put it in agendas and I'll also put it up on the blog!

Language Arts:
We are continuing to learn about parts of speech and are moving onto Adjectives! We will continue using nouns and verbs in our writing. Please encourage your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of their sentences and periods, question marks and exclamation points at the end of their sentences. I've been reminding a few of my kiddo's to spend more time focusing on their sentences in their reading journals!

We will be putting together our insulation projects tomorrow and testing them on Tuesday! I can't wait to see what they come up with. We will make sure to return all containers and any un-used insulation items on Wednesday. I'll be taking pictures of they projects and posting them on here for you all to see!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!