Sunday 13 April 2014

Short Week Ahead!

Author Presentation:
We had some pretty lucky kids on Friday, we were visited by some amazing authors. Every student in the school had the opportunity to meet our authors and to listen to some of their stories. These stories weren't just simply read to us either they had costumes, and voices and the kids were interactive props within the stories! It was a great experience that was made available to us by Cenovus.

No Spelling Test:
Since we have a short week ahead of us we will be taking the week off spelling tests so sit back and relax this week!

No School:
Just a reminder that there will be no school on Friday the 18th and Monday the 21st. Enjoy the long weekend!

Pen Pals:
Thank you to all of you parents for sending back the permission slips so quickly! I have just had confirmation that our first batch of letters, from our soon to be friends in Kanata, are on it's way! They are writing to us first, I can't wait to meet our new friends and give our grade 2 kiddo's the opportunities to write their own letters!