Sunday 11 May 2014

Short Week Ahead!

Pen Pal Letters:

We received our letters a little over a week ago and our kids were beyond excited (those letters were sent home with the kids to share with their families and were adorable!) We quickly got to work writing our rough copy and then our good copy of our pen pal letters. Tomorrow is the big day, we mail them off to our new Kanata friends!

We started our latest math unit on measurement last week! We are off to a great start and this week we will be measuring up a storm both inside and outside of the classroom!

Cold Lake Bully Free Clothing:
Our Cold Lake Bully Free clothing arrived on Friday so should have made it's way home if your child ordered some. If your child wasn't here on Friday you can expect to see it in their backpack tomorrow! I can't wait to wear my new sweater next year!

May Long Weekend:
We have a 4 day long weekend coming up! There will be no school on Friday the 16th and on Monday the 19th. Enjoy the days off with your family!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!