Sunday 4 May 2014


I can't believe it's already May and that we only have 8 weeks of school left! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!

Language Arts:
Here are some photos from our "All About Me" adjectives activity we did a while back!

Script Writing:
We have now read a fractured fairy tale version of Cinderella as well as the original. Next our kids will be writing scripts of one of the versions of Cinderella that we have covered in class. They will then perform their script using Popsicle stick puppets or, if their groups chooses, they can act it out.

We are finishing up our 2D and 3D shape unit this week! Next we will be moving into  measurement using non-standard units. What this means is we will be using things like blocks, cubes, paperclips, just about everything BUT a ruler! This tends to be one of the favourite math units of the year as the kids are up and moving around a lot!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!