Sunday 27 April 2014

Rain, Rain Go Away!

Rain, Rain Go Away:

We just can't catch a break with this weather! Unless it's raining we still head outside for recess so make sure your child is wearing some waterproof boots because let me tell you it can get a little muddy and sloppy outside!

Show & Share:
Our grade 2 kiddos have been waiting for this... Show & Share is back! Here is the line up for May.

 We have just started our new unit on Small Crawling and Flying Animals! Our kids are super excited about this one and you better believe we will be outside with our bug catchers as soon as it dries up outside!

Language Arts:
We're off to a great start in our unit on Fairy Tales and have been looking at plot, characters and setting so far. We read 2 versions of the traditional Cinderella and this week we will be looking at "The Rough-Face Girl" which is a Cinderella story in an Algonquin village by the shores of Lake Ontario.

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!