Sunday 15 June 2014


Class Countdown:
Can you believe it?! We only have 7 school days left! The countdown has officially begun in our class but let me tell you the kids have been great about staying on task and realizing we do still have some things we need to finish up!

Play Day:
This Friday, in the afternoon, is our K-4 play day! We will be going through a variety of different activities (inside and outside) that should be a ton of fun! Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to help out and make our play day a success!!

Monday School Wide Swim:
Every year as a year end school wide activity we do a school wide swim! Our class will be going to the J.J. Parr for a fun swim from 10:10 - 11:10. There is no cost to families for this, just make sure you child brings their bathing suite and a towel!

Last Day of School:
Our last day of school is on Tuesday the 24th! In the morning we will be doing a bunch of year end activities and games! I will be sending home a snack sign up as we will be doing a movie and snacks after nutrition break until lunch time. 

Starting at 1:15 we will be having our annual grades 1-3 water fight at the front of the school! This has always been a blast, and you better believe us teachers are right in there with the kids! Please make sure your child brings something to wear for the water fight, a towel and some sort of water gun/sprayer. 

Report cards will also be going home on the last day of school!