Sunday 8 June 2014

Winding Down!

We are finally starting to have some beautiful weather (we won't count tomorrow!!) School is winding down and the kids are starting to get ready for summer vacation. The next two weeks will still include a lot of regular classwork so that we can make sure that we get all of our outcomes met before summer break.

Fairy Tales: The Three Little Pigs House Creation
Tomorrow I will be sending home a notice for our last home project of the year. Over the next week and a half we will be reading different versions of The Three Little Pigs. I will be asking the kids, at home, to create a house that they think will stand up against The Big Bad Wolf! This can be as elaborate or as simple as you'd like, please send them to school on Monday, June 16th as we will be sharing them with the class in the morning. I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Alongside the measurement unit we've been doing in math we have also been working on graphing. We have been using a lot of examples based on our classes likes and dislikes, last week we did a class bar graph on our favourite holidays!

Talent Show:
I would like to send out a big grade 2 congratulations to all of the participants in this years talent show! We had so many exciting things take place from our grade 2 students, great job everyone!

 **Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section! (Last one of the year!)