Sunday 1 June 2014


Well the countdown until Summer vacation has officially begun! We're winding up here at school and have a few outcomes left to finish up over the next few weeks. June is always a little bit crazy and we have A LOT going on!

Talent Show Coffee House:

We are having our annual Talent Show Coffee House on Thursday evening. There will be a silent auction that will include student art from this year as well as a variety of items donated by our community. We have several of our grade 2 kiddos performing in our taken show this year so come on out and cheer them on! (I will post times in our kids agenda's this week!)

Fairy Tales:
 This week in our Fairy Tale unit we will be looking at a variety of beginnings and endings. The first set we will be looking at are using sound effects and using a memory. We will be reading a bunch of different fairy tales and creating our own endings and beginnings.

We performed our plays this past week and they were a huge success! I was very proud of all of the hard work that went into writing the scripts and really enjoyed the accents and new voices that some of our characters had!

We're "flying" along in our Small Crawling and Flying Animals unit! DiscoverE was in on Monday and we had a blast learning more about insects and non-insects. I'm sure you noticed some "Science" marshmallow insects coming home that day! Hopefully if the weather agrees with us we will be getting outside with our bug catchers and will be collecting a few of our own insects to observe (and then release of course!)

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!