Sunday, 20 October 2013

Picture Day Tomorrow!

Substitute Teacher:
This week I will be out doing a course Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Miss. Romaine will be in for me, she is fabulous and is already familiar with the kids. She will be checking the agendas in the morning but if there is anything you need to go directly to me please send me an e-mail, I'll be checking them regularly.

Language Arts:
We're off and running with our Bat unit! We've started recording some of the neat facts we already know about bats and we also brainstormed some things that we hope to learn about bats throughout the unit. We've been organizing all of this on our KWL chart that is hanging up at the front of our room!
This week we will be looking at the different part of a bats body as well as talking about echolocation!

We've decided to spend about 2 more days on patterns just to make sure we really know our stuff before moving on! This week; though, we will start looking at skip counting and place value. If you want to start working with your child already you can look at; counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. We will also be doing place value looking at ones, tens and hundreds.

Picture Day:
Don't forget tomorrow is picture day! Bring your biggest smile and if there is a particular pose and/or background that you want your child to have please make sure you return the picture form that was sent home last week.

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!