Sunday 17 November 2013

Report Cards & Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews:
Report cards will be going home tomorrow! If you have any questions or concerns please make an appointment for interviews which will be taking place on Wednesday. Please make sure you call in advance to schedule an appointment, I look forward to discussing your child's progress on Wednesday night!

We have two days of swimming lessons left! We will be swimming on Monday and Tuesday from 1-2 so please make sure your child has their swimming stuff ready to go. 

Book Fair:
The Book Fair has arrived! Notices went home on Friday and they included a ton of really exciting books! The book fair will be open during parent teacher interviews too, so stop on by! This year our Book Fair is being held in the library.

No School:
There will be no school this Friday in lieu or parent teacher interviews. Enjoy the long weekend!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!