Sunday 15 June 2014


Class Countdown:
Can you believe it?! We only have 7 school days left! The countdown has officially begun in our class but let me tell you the kids have been great about staying on task and realizing we do still have some things we need to finish up!

Play Day:
This Friday, in the afternoon, is our K-4 play day! We will be going through a variety of different activities (inside and outside) that should be a ton of fun! Thank you to all of the parents who have volunteered to help out and make our play day a success!!

Monday School Wide Swim:
Every year as a year end school wide activity we do a school wide swim! Our class will be going to the J.J. Parr for a fun swim from 10:10 - 11:10. There is no cost to families for this, just make sure you child brings their bathing suite and a towel!

Last Day of School:
Our last day of school is on Tuesday the 24th! In the morning we will be doing a bunch of year end activities and games! I will be sending home a snack sign up as we will be doing a movie and snacks after nutrition break until lunch time. 

Starting at 1:15 we will be having our annual grades 1-3 water fight at the front of the school! This has always been a blast, and you better believe us teachers are right in there with the kids! Please make sure your child brings something to wear for the water fight, a towel and some sort of water gun/sprayer. 

Report cards will also be going home on the last day of school!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Winding Down!

We are finally starting to have some beautiful weather (we won't count tomorrow!!) School is winding down and the kids are starting to get ready for summer vacation. The next two weeks will still include a lot of regular classwork so that we can make sure that we get all of our outcomes met before summer break.

Fairy Tales: The Three Little Pigs House Creation
Tomorrow I will be sending home a notice for our last home project of the year. Over the next week and a half we will be reading different versions of The Three Little Pigs. I will be asking the kids, at home, to create a house that they think will stand up against The Big Bad Wolf! This can be as elaborate or as simple as you'd like, please send them to school on Monday, June 16th as we will be sharing them with the class in the morning. I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

Alongside the measurement unit we've been doing in math we have also been working on graphing. We have been using a lot of examples based on our classes likes and dislikes, last week we did a class bar graph on our favourite holidays!

Talent Show:
I would like to send out a big grade 2 congratulations to all of the participants in this years talent show! We had so many exciting things take place from our grade 2 students, great job everyone!

 **Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section! (Last one of the year!)

Sunday 1 June 2014


Well the countdown until Summer vacation has officially begun! We're winding up here at school and have a few outcomes left to finish up over the next few weeks. June is always a little bit crazy and we have A LOT going on!

Talent Show Coffee House:

We are having our annual Talent Show Coffee House on Thursday evening. There will be a silent auction that will include student art from this year as well as a variety of items donated by our community. We have several of our grade 2 kiddos performing in our taken show this year so come on out and cheer them on! (I will post times in our kids agenda's this week!)

Fairy Tales:
 This week in our Fairy Tale unit we will be looking at a variety of beginnings and endings. The first set we will be looking at are using sound effects and using a memory. We will be reading a bunch of different fairy tales and creating our own endings and beginnings.

We performed our plays this past week and they were a huge success! I was very proud of all of the hard work that went into writing the scripts and really enjoyed the accents and new voices that some of our characters had!

We're "flying" along in our Small Crawling and Flying Animals unit! DiscoverE was in on Monday and we had a blast learning more about insects and non-insects. I'm sure you noticed some "Science" marshmallow insects coming home that day! Hopefully if the weather agrees with us we will be getting outside with our bug catchers and will be collecting a few of our own insects to observe (and then release of course!)

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!

Sunday 25 May 2014

DiscoverE Science!

DiscoverE Science:

We are incredibly lucky here at Art Smith and have had the U of A DiscoverE Science team come to our school for the past few years! They will be here at our school on Monday and will be doing hands on, interactive activities with our kids based on our "Small Crawling and Flying Animals" unit! They came last year and the kids had a blast so I can't wait for them to experience it again this year!

Spelling Tests:
We have finished all of our grade 2 spelling words! For the next few weeks we will be doing prep for grade 3 so you will see the spelling words jump from 10 words to 15. I will continue giving the kids a score (they like to see how well they do!) but it won't factor into anything on their report card.

Monday 19 May 2014

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend! This week (a short week!) we will be continuing one with our Fairy Tale unit in LA, our measurement unit in Math, our "Small Crawling and Flying Animals" unit in Science and we are wrapping up Natural Resources in Social Studies. This week does have an exciting event taking place!

Dress Like Your Favourite Aviator:
On Thursday we are having our annual "Dress Like Your Favourite Aviator" day! We will all be dressed up in our best and will take part in an Aviation themed assembly. Our class has been learning about Chuck Yeager in aviation and are currently putting together a project that will be displayed outside our classroom!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Short Week Ahead!

Pen Pal Letters:

We received our letters a little over a week ago and our kids were beyond excited (those letters were sent home with the kids to share with their families and were adorable!) We quickly got to work writing our rough copy and then our good copy of our pen pal letters. Tomorrow is the big day, we mail them off to our new Kanata friends!

We started our latest math unit on measurement last week! We are off to a great start and this week we will be measuring up a storm both inside and outside of the classroom!

Cold Lake Bully Free Clothing:
Our Cold Lake Bully Free clothing arrived on Friday so should have made it's way home if your child ordered some. If your child wasn't here on Friday you can expect to see it in their backpack tomorrow! I can't wait to wear my new sweater next year!

May Long Weekend:
We have a 4 day long weekend coming up! There will be no school on Friday the 16th and on Monday the 19th. Enjoy the days off with your family!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!

Sunday 4 May 2014


I can't believe it's already May and that we only have 8 weeks of school left! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!

Language Arts:
Here are some photos from our "All About Me" adjectives activity we did a while back!

Script Writing:
We have now read a fractured fairy tale version of Cinderella as well as the original. Next our kids will be writing scripts of one of the versions of Cinderella that we have covered in class. They will then perform their script using Popsicle stick puppets or, if their groups chooses, they can act it out.

We are finishing up our 2D and 3D shape unit this week! Next we will be moving into  measurement using non-standard units. What this means is we will be using things like blocks, cubes, paperclips, just about everything BUT a ruler! This tends to be one of the favourite math units of the year as the kids are up and moving around a lot!

** Spelling words for this week are posted under the Language Arts section!